Smartlands token (SLT) becomes Definder Network Token (DNT)
Find Definder Network Token on Binance Smart Chain from April 30th 2022

Swapping Conditions
-Swapping Period: April 30th - May 30th 2022
-Definder Network Token (DNT) issuance is limited to a maximum of 21,548,097 tokens and runs on Binance Smart Chain.
-30% of DNT issue is reserved for strategic investors and partners who will contribute to enhancement of technology and marketing.
-Existing holders of Smartlands Network Token (SLT) are able to swap their SLT tokens to new DNT with rate 2:1 (2 DNT for 1 SLT)
What you need to do
For swap, you need to access the wallet you have your SLT stored in, a BEP20 wallet, and about five minutes worth of your time.
- Create a wallet on Binance Smart Chain network (Metamask, Trustwallet, BCS wallet) or use an existing BEP20 wallet.
- Enter your public Binance wallet address in the section below and click “Generate”.
- Open the wallet you use to store your SLT. We recommend use Stellarterm or Smartlands Wallet for swap. If you use Lobstr - please use WalletConnect on Stellarterm for your existing Lobstr wallet and send your SLT through their interface.
- Copy the address where you need to send your SLT by clicking the “address” on this page.
- Paste this address into your SLT wallet.
- Change memo type to “memo hash”.
- Click the “hash” and get the generated key.
- Paste the generated key (hash) into the memo section. Make sure that your memo “hash” (64 symbols) was fully copied.
- Sign the transaction.