
Smartlands token (SLT) becomes Definder Network Token (DNT)

Find Definder Network Token on Binance Smart Chain from April 30th 2022

Swapping Conditions

-Swapping Period: April 30th - May 30th 2022

-Definder Network Token (DNT) issuance is limited to a maximum of 21,548,097 tokens and runs on Binance Smart Chain.

-30% of DNT issue is reserved for strategic investors and partners who will contribute to enhancement of technology and marketing.

-Existing holders of Smartlands Network Token (SLT) are able to swap their SLT tokens to new DNT with rate 2:1 (2 DNT for 1 SLT)

What you need to do

For swap, you need to access the wallet you have your SLT stored in, a BEP20 wallet, and about five minutes worth of your time.

  • Create a wallet on Binance Smart Chain network (Metamask, Trustwallet, BCS wallet) or use an existing BEP20 wallet.
  • Enter your public Binance wallet address in the section below and click “Generate”.
  • Open the wallet you use to store your SLT. We recommend use Stellarterm or Smartlands Wallet for swap. If you use Lobstr - please use WalletConnect on Stellarterm for your existing Lobstr wallet and send your SLT through their interface.
  • Copy the address where you need to send your SLT by clicking the “address” on this page.
  • Paste this address into your SLT wallet.
  • Change memo type to “memo hash”.
  • Click the “hash” and get the generated key.
  • Paste the generated key (hash) into the memo section. Make sure that your memo “hash” (64 symbols) was fully copied.
  • Sign the transaction.

1. Please, enter public address your New wallet on Binance Smart Chain

Generate successfully

2. Please, send your SLT from the wallet you use to Swapping Wallet (in Stellar DEX) by address with memo hash-code

3. Check your BSC wallet within several minutes to make sure that swap was successful